How to be blessed by God is not about who you are, where you walk, or what you have. It is all about the personal relationship you have with God, for you were created for this purpose. Abraham was blessed by God, Genesis 24:1.
Called Out
Abraham had a unique relationship with God. Abraham did not have the books of the Pentateuch, or the prophets to read, so it remains a mystery how he knew Jehovah God, the great I Am That I Am, Exodus 3:14. He was raised in a nation that worshipped many gods.
In a sovereign move, God Abraham was called to leave his father’s house, Genesis 12:1-9, and become an alien in a foreign land, living in tents, Hebrews 11:9. God promised He would make Abraham a great nation, be blessed by God and his name would be great.
Large Retinue
When God called Abraham to leave his father’s house, at age 75 years. It is estimated there would have been a large number in his household of possibly a thousand people. Already Abraham was a wealthy man and richly blessed by God.
Abraham always knew God’s protection even when he strayed from the truth in calling his wife his sister. This was only a half truth, Genesis 12:10-22.
Family Conflict
Abraham left his father’s house, but took his nephew with him. This may have been because Abraham and Sarah were childless and Lot could have become Abraham’s heir.
Abraham allowed Lot to choose the more fertile ground when he was forced to separate from Lot through a conflict over grazing land. This showed Abraham’s generosity and trust in God’s provision.
Father of Faith
Abraham truly crossed over to become one of the greatest Old Testament followers of God. He was the first major figure to demonstrate unwavering faith in God.
The term Hebrew was first used in relation to Abraham, Genesis 14:13. The root meaning of Hebrew is to cross over or pass through. Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek him, Hebrews 11:6.
Abrahamic Covenant
God finally revealed His full covenant with Abraham. It was the promise of a land to all Israelites forever, and a promised heir.
God changed Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah. The seal of the covenant was circumcision. Abraham was now established as the patriarch of the Israelite people.
Helping Hand
Abraham did not always make the right decision. Either Sarah or Abraham became impatient for the promised heir, for being childless was considered a curse. Ishmael was born using Sarah’s servant Hagar, Genesis 16. How they would have rejoiced in the ‘son’.
God was true to his word concerning Abraham’s descendants. They would be as multitudinous as the stars of the heaven, or the sand on the seashore, Genesis 26:4. However, the character of the Arab nations was also prophesied. Ishmael will be a wild donkey of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him, Genesis 16:12.
For 13 years it appears Abraham did not hear from God. Then word came that the son he had was not the son of promise, Genesis 18:1-15.
Three divine visitors, representing God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, promised Abraham that Sarah would bear a son, Isaac, despite their advanced age.
Son of Promise
The son of promise arrived, Genesis 21:1-7. How Abraham and Sarah would have rejoiced for several years, despite the bitter jealousy that rose between Hagar and Sarah.
Before Isaac arrived, Ishmael would have been heir to all that Abraham had and that was extensive, Hagar would also have been in the top position, lording it over the childless Sarah.
The conflict led to Abraham having to send Ishmael and Hagar from his tent. Losing Ishmael was a forerunner of the agony that would soon engulf Abraham.
Ultimate Test
Abraham faced the ultimate test. God commanded Abraham to offer Isaac up as a sacrifice, Genesis 22:1-19. This custom was not unknown in Abraham’s old world of Ur.
Isaac was the son that God had promised and now that son was a teenager. Would Abraham trust God, who had brought him this far? Would Abraham come out of the test, richer and wiser for the experience? Could Abraham know what it is to be poured out?
Unbelievable Grief
There is a unique grief associated with losing a child. However, Abraham’s grief would have been multiplied a thousand times. Not only was he asked to kill the son by his own hand, but to kill the son of promise and rightful heir.
Abraham’s test was a prophecy of what would take place at Calvary. However, at Calvary the Son was not be spared as Isaac was.
Great Faith
Abraham’s relationship with God was such that he never questioned God’s command, Hebrews 11:17. He operated with total faith in a loving God who had blessed him for many years.
Would Abraham honour his relationship with God, more than he loved his only son? Yet, Abraham made a faith statement. ‘We will worship and return to you’, Genesis 21:5.
How to be Blessed of God
Being blessed of God is not about possessions, position, or power. Abraham knew the heartache of leaving his family. He knew famine and war against Gentile kings. He knew the heartache of strife in his own home.
Then, still more strife once Isaac was born as the son of promise, instead of the eldest child being the heir. This foreshadowed that the law given to Moses could not produce the people of promise – those who accept Christ as their Messiah and know the Father’s heart.
Personal Relationship
How to be blessed of God is all about having a deep, personal relationship with God. Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness, James 2:23. He trusted God above all else.
The prophet spoke to Israel calling them descendants of Abraham, God’s friend, Isaiah 41:8. Any true friendship is a shared bond of mutual affection and respect.
God’s Choice
God is total within Himself and does not require fellowship with the created. However, He chose to redeem fallen mankind by sending the Only begotten Son to pay the price for sin, John 3:16. Jesus was total God and total man. In Him God dwelt among men and made the way, John 14:6, for us to have a personal and fulfilling relationship with God.
Only through Christ can man return to an even better relationship with God than what Adam had when he walked in the Garden of Eden. However, being a descendant of Abraham does not give man the right to that relationship, for it comes only through belief in what Christ did at Calvary.
Abraham was Blessed
The Lord blessed Abraham in every way, Genesis 24:1, despite all the heartache Abraham experienced in his long life. That included burying his favourite wife, Sarah, Genesis 23.
Abraham looked towards Calvary with total faith in God’s provision on earth and in heaven. He looked for the eternal city, Hebrews 11:10. Today we have the revelation of God in the written Word. We also have the indwelling of God, John 14:23, and the leading of the Holy Spirit, John 14:26.
Our blessedness comes when we look in faith back to Calvary, where Christ paid the price for our redemption. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen, Hebrews 11:1.
The blessing of God comes through a sincere and ongoing personal relationship with God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. And authentic worship of the Creator of all things.
Dr. Wendy Stenberg-Tendys is a freelance writer who enjoys researching a topic and sharing words of encouragement from the Word of God.
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