Wendy Tendys Author

Wendy Tendys Author has three main passions. The first is writing. Second is encouraging others, particularly women and the third is gardening.
It made sense for Wendy to combine her passions. Thus, WhisperingEncouragement.com came into being.
Many of Wendy’s writing ideas come to her while she is tending to her ever-growing garden. Strangely, while Wendy’s backyard isn’t getting any bigger, her garden is. She believes there is always room for one more plant! In the same way, Wendy knows that there is always room/time to encourage others.
Life’s Challenges
Life’s challenges are the greatest teacher of all. Wendy has experienced many of life’s big challenges, including the loss of close loved ones, as well as some health issues. She is a firm believer that trials of life not only make us stronger, but they build character. Wendy made up her mind a long time ago, that tragedy would not define who she is. She encourages others who are facing troubles and uplifts those who feel their voice has no value.
Wendy Tendys Author
Wendy’s sci-fi book, The Ikes of Geekoterre, was written for 10-12yr olds. It is a great example of her research, wit and humour. Besides that, it shows her love and understanding of the younger generation.
Teaching English to students in Hong Kong was a high-learning experience, in more ways than one. As a result Wendy developed a comprehensive phonics course. This helped many students learn to speak and read English.
Wendy holds a Doctorate of Divinity. That only means she knows her way around the Bible. She has had the privilege of teaching in several countries around the globe. Her book, Sons of God, helps others to see the treasures of God as revealed in the Tabernacle of Moses.
Inspiring Women
Whispering Encouragement is designed to inspire women from all walks of life. Wendy firmly believes that the voice of each woman is unique, regardless of her circumstances and should be recognized as being of great value.
Having been through the loss of three immediate family members, Wendy’s simple advice is, “Don’t let tragedy define you.”
Wendy would love to hear from you. Contact her on wendytendysinquiries@gmail.com