Is the Trinity of God a reality or a manmade idea? Are they inseparable. Do you speak to all three or just One when you pray?
How to understand the bible is a mystery many have failed to unravel for it is a spiritual book.
How to be blessed by God is not about who you are, where you walk, or what you have. It is all about the personal relationship you have with God.
What is the origin of evil if God, who created all things, Colossians 1:16, is holy and just? Evil exists because it is the opposite, and the absence of good.
How to know who God is, is the most important thing you will ever discover for you conform to the image of the God you worship.
The valley of tears is a translation of Psalm 84. Passing through the valley of Beca, tears, they make it a spring. Every valley of tears has a purpose in God.
How to be a saint by character does not mean you are a person a religious organization officially recognizes as being holy or worthy. It is much more.
What makes a Christian unique is not just that he believes in a God who died for him, rose from the dead and overcame sin and the grave. Christians are unique in many ways, yet full of amazing contradictions. Christians Die to Live To be a true follower of Christ, a person must be born…
The power of thought is very important, for thoughts influence our well-being and determine our actions and decisions.
This is the prayer of a minor prophet that A W Tozer prayed, revealing the humility and amazing relationship he had with the Lord.
Herod the Great was a tyrant and false king of the Jews. When Jesus was born he was at the end of his life, still paranoid, old and sick.
Authentic worship is the response to the knowledge that there is a God who intensely loves that which He created. The sincere expression of faith and belief in God who is all powerful, all knowing and everywhere present.
Jesus came as a baby for specific reasons as declared in the Scriptures. He came to be our King and servant of all. The defeater of Satan and our Redeemer. All this was God’s plan from distant eternity. Eternal Plan Jesus did not come as ‘Plan B’ after Adam sinned. He was the Lamb slain…
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