Why Must Christians Walk as Children of Light?6 min read

children of light

Why Must Christians Walk as Children of Light?6 min read

To walk as children of light is not commandment, but a choice every Christian should make every day. We live in a world of chaos and darkness is all around us, but God is light and in Him there was no darkness at all, 1John 1:5. Jesus is our life and that life is the light of men, John 1:4. How bright is your light? You may be the only Bible others will read.

Walk as Children of Light

You once walked in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord, walk as children of light, Ephesians 5:8. Think of the relationship between the sun and the moon. The light from the moon is reflected light from the sun. Jesus dwells in total light and He wants that to reflect in the life of His followers.

Your life is a reflection of what you are on the inside. If you spend most of your time looking at darkness, then you will reflect that darkness. If you spend time in the light, as He is in the light you will reflect that light to others, 1John 1:7.

Lamps Need to be Trimmed

The child of God needs to keep in close fellowship with God to stop the darkness of the world dimming our light. Praising God for His goodness, mercy and love keeps your light burning brightly. Hunger for the Word of God, spend time talking to God, praise Him for His mercy and endless love, for He loved you long before you loved Him, 1John 4:19.

When you use a lamp for light you need to keep it trimmed for it to give maximum light. Our Heavenly Father trims us with discipline, training and guidance, Hebrews 12:5.

There are times in our life when suffering and pain dull our light. That is the time to place all your faith in a loving Heavenly Father who never leaves nor forsakes you, Deuteronomy 31:8. Take your eyes off the negatives and concentrate on the positives of life. Enjoy the brilliant sunset instead of thinking about the coming darkness of the night.

Light has no Sound but is Far Reaching

Jesus said don’t hide your light but set it on a hill for others to see, Matthew 5:15. Your light affects others, and even a small light can encourage others and help a lost person find their way home.

A small light in the darkest night has a far-reaching effect. In a war zone a soldier must not allow the light from a single match show, for it could reveal to the enemy where he is. You may feel your light is small, but only God knows how far it reaches into the hearts of others.

Those who have faith in Jesus Christ are the light to a world that is weary with sin. You don’t have to shout from the rooftops, just walk as children of light. A silent, far-reaching witness though fellowshipping God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

The amount and quality of time we spend in fellowship with the Son of God is reflected in our lives. Moses spent time alone with God so when he returned to the people, they did not dare look on his face, Exodus 34:35. Let your light shine from having spent time with God.

Satan Hates Your Light

Satan is the great deceiver and author of spiritual darkness. He hates your light and tells you that you can’t make it through the darkness. Satan wants to put your light out and make you question the goodness, grace and mercy of God, like he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3:4,5.

However, Satan cannot operate outside the permission of God, Job 1. When sad or bad things happen, they have a purpose in God’s plan, Romans 8:28. They test our faith, as we see in Job. He lost everything and everyone was against him. After nine-months of hardship, heartache, and fiery trials Job was blessed twice as much as before. Through it all he found a new relationship with God.

To walk as children of light is to resist the taunts of the devil and choose to daily follow the Light of Christ. Let the joy of the Gospel shine through, for God’s light is power, Genesis 1:3.

Valley of the Shadow of Death

Every person who has or will ever walk this earth knows the fiery trials of pain and suffering, heartache and sorrow. Jesus came to bring division, Luke 12:51 for we are at war. We war against the desires of the flesh and against the workings of Satan, but we are to fight the good fight, 1 Timothy 6:12, for our God, the Great I Am, is in control. Christ arms us with spiritual weapons, 2 Corinthians 10:4, and goes into battle alongside us.

However, we daily need to make a choice. We either look at the chaos around us or centre all our heart and mind on our Saviour. He alone can bring us through. Not only that, when we trust totally in Him He will bring us out of the valley of the shadow of death, stronger than before, just as it takes the extreme heat to temper steel.

Eye Focus

If you stare at a bright light it blinds you to everything around you. When Christ becomes the very centre of your being the power of darkness fades away. You become blinded to the heartache of this world, that threatens to overwhelm you.

It takes courage to endure the hardships of this life, but when you totally trust God it will be reflected in your life. How you handle things that come against you affects those around you. You can either be a child of darkness or a child of light. Darkness leads to eternal judgement. Light leads to eternal life.

You have a free will and the choice is always yours. You can walk in self-pity, sorrow and anger, or you can hand it all over to God and walk as a child of light.

Walk as a Child of Light

To walk as children of light is not a commandment, but a privilege. Are you looking at all the bad things that happen? Are you remembering all the wrong things you did? Do you feel sorry for yourself? Jesus did not promise us only peace and happiness in this world. Yet, in the middle of the storm we can find peace in Him, just knowing Satan is not in control, God is. What Satan designs for destruction, God will make good from it, just as He did at Calvary.

This life is a test of our faith. How much do we trust God? Will we have the courage to strive to grow into the fullness of the maturity of the stature of Jesus Christ, Ephesians 4:13,14? Will we believe that Christ can and will calm the storm, Mark 4:39?

Be encouraged, for God knows the end from the beginning, Isaiah 46:10. Before we were born, He knew how we would turn out. Lift up your head for your redemption draws near, Luke 21:28. Walk as children of light by simply knowing who He is and let His light shine through you.

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Wendy Stenberg-Tendys is a freelance writer who enjoys researching a topic and sharing words of encouragement, particularly from the Word of God.

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2 responses to “Why Must Christians Walk as Children of Light?6 min read

  1. […] hates you. Without even speaking you convict others of their need for salvation, for you are the light of the world, Matthew […]

  2. […] that our witness is constant and like the rainbow, refracts who God is. Only three things refract light: glass, water and a diamond. You are 60% water, forged into a […]

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