Is the Trinity of God a reality or a manmade idea? Are they inseparable. Do you speak to all three or just One when you pray?
The light of God runs as a thread from Genesis to Revelation. God is light and in Him there is no darkness.1 John 1:5. His light can penetrate our lives.
To be poured out is shown in type in the Old Testament where every sacrifice was accompanied by an offering of wine. We too should be poured out.
Praise and worship are vital aspects of the Christian faith, but each serves a different purpose. Praise celebrates God’s actions towards man, while worship honours the essence of God.
The threshing floor is one of those hidden treasures that delight the earnest student of the Word of God. It has deep spiritual meaning even for today.
To fly on eagle wings is the difference between being a turkey or an eagle. One is firmly grounded on mother earth, while the other soars high on thermal winds.
The desires of the heart gets us into all sorts of trouble. The Bible says God will honour your desires. What are they?
First mentions establishes a precedent, a pattern or a biblical concept that occurs throughout the rest of the Bible. They also prove that the Word of God is not some random collection of books written across millennia.
The Presence of God was seen in the Ark of the Covenant, from the moment it was built and placed in Moses’ Tabernacle until it resided in Solomon’s Temple 440 years later.
Why is Abraham so important? This importance arises from a variety of reasons. Even the smallest search will reveal some amazing facts.
The special power of faith is what God has given us, just as He gave us the gift of free will that we might accept His gift of salvation. It transcends the physical.
Baptism with fire is an experience just as salvation and baptism in the Holy Spirit are specific experiences.
The Fire of God, is just like natural fire, it has a dual nature, as fire can be used to comfort and assist, but also destroy. It is a vital element of our existence.
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