What is the Significance of the Davidic Covenant?5 min read

Everlasting Kingdom

What is the Significance of the Davidic Covenant?5 min read

The significance of the Davidic Covenant is that it not only is a major theme in both Old and New Testament prophecy it promised an everlasting king. It establishes the reality of an everlasting dynasty for David’s descendants, 2 Samuel 7:16. It also sets the stage for the coming Messiah from the line of David, who will set up His 1000-year millennial government on earth.

This Messiah is the rightful and legal heir to the throne of David as proven through His genealogy. The Davidic Covenant was made in grace and not subject to the conditional character of the covenant with Moses and firmly links the Old and New Testaments.

The Old Testament covenants progressively build upon one another. God promised a Messiah through Adam, preserved the world through Noah, initiated redemption through Abraham, and established the nation of Israel through Moses. God then promised an eternal shepherd-king through David, and then fulfilled all of his covenants through the Son of God.

Unlimited and Everlasting

The Davidic Covenant was both unlimited and everlasting, as God promised David a royal dynasty that would be established forever, 2 Samuel 7:16. Jerusalem would be the spiritual centre of Israel, with the temple as the visible representation of the covenant and the place where God put His name.

David’s descendants will reign in justice and righteousness when Jesus Christ sets up His kingdom on earth. Christ will rule and the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb will be the temple in the New Jerusalem, Revelation 21:22

The Covenant offers assurance to Israel, the wife of Jehovah, despite political turmoil and foreign invasion. Always there is the promise of ‘Next year in Jerusalem’.

Significance of the Davidic Covenant – God’s Faithfulness

The significance of the Davidic covenant is that it is a reminder of God’s faithfulness to His promises. David and his descendants failed, but God remains faithful to the covenant and commitment to His people.

Isaiah the prophet prophesied that God’s word would not return to Him empty. It will accomplish what He desires, and succeed in the matter for which He sent it, Isaiah 55:11. Jesus will reign on earth as Adam was originally designed to do.

Line Cursed

King Solomon was given the same promises that had been given to his father, David. The only difference was that it was now conditional upon Solomon’s obedience to God, I Kings 9:3-7.

Three-hundred-and-thirty-four-years after Solomon’s death, an 18-year-old descendant, Coniah, took the throne. He was an evil and wicked king, and only ruled for three-months, before being exiled to Babylon. His descendants were cursed and would never sit on the throne of David, Jeremiah 22:30, even though his bloodline had legal rights to the throne.

Solomon’s descendants were not given the promises of the Davidic Covenant. By the end of Solomon’s reign Israel was spiritually bankrupt and Solomon’s line was ultimately deposed. Within a year of Solomon’s death, Israel became divided. Ten tribes to Israel and two tribe under Judah.

Two Lineages

There are two lineages recorded in the New Testament. Matthew 1:1-17 follows the line through Solomon down to Joseph. Though Joseph was not Jesus’ natural father, through his line Jesus has the legal right to sit on the Throne of David.

The second lineage is recorded in Luke 3:23-38. This time the bloodline goes from David, through Nathan, Solomon’s younger brother from Bathsheba. This bloodline ends with Mary, the mother of Jesus. Conceived of the Holy Spirit, the Son was not contaminated with the sinful nature all men inherited from Adam. He will sit on the Throne of David and rule from the New Jerusalem for 1000 years, enforcing His role as the fulfilment of the Davidic Covenant.

The lineage of Jews has always been traced through the mother, not the father. This is known as matrilineal descent. That was the reason Ezra was so distraught when he returned from captivity in Babylon to start rebuilding the Temple. Many of those living in Israel had taken non-Jewish wives. Not only were the foreign wives expelled from the land, but all the children they had birthed, Ezra 10:3.

Significance of the Davidic Covenant – Promise of Peace

The covenant of David promises that there will be peace on earth. Not only will the Messiah reign in peace, but David will also be their king and reign alongside Jesus, Jeremiah 30:9.

There will be four companies in God’s kingdom: Israel, the wife, the Old Testament believers, the New Testament believers who are the Bride of Christ, and those who overcome and believe during the Great Tribulation. The multitudes of overcoming believers from the Great Tribulation, Revelation 7:9, will rule nations, Revelation 2:26,27.

Ratified With Blood

God’s covenants with man were ratified by ratified by promises, terms, blood and a seal. The Davidic Covenant is significant because it established a promise of eternal dynasty, which is enfolded in the New Covenant. Jesus Christ established that covenant through the ultimate sacrifice of His sinless, shed blood, death and resurrection. The new everlasting covenant, was a covenant between God and Christ, who fulfilled all the old covenants, Hebrews 8:13. All are called to this covenant, but few will accept the wedding invitation, Matthew 22:14.

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Wendy Tendys is a freelance writer who enjoys researching a topic and sharing words of encouragement, particularly from the Word of God.

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One response to “What is the Significance of the Davidic Covenant?5 min read

  1. […] will be disappointed If you think heaven is going to be a quiet, sedate place. David, the great king of Israel was unafraid to publicly express his delight in his Heavenly Father, 2 Samuel 6:14-22. Heaven is […]

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