Is the Trinity of God a reality or a manmade idea? Are they inseparable. Do you speak to all three or just One when you pray?
The grace of God is not as simple a statement as it first sounds, for it is a lot more than undeserved favour.
Submission has become one of the must-be-ignored concepts in our human thinking. Submission does require being under the control of another,
The spirit of David was his deep, unwavering faith and worship of God, the great I Am That I Am, Exodus 3:3. Like Abraham, David was an authentic worshipper of the Creator of the universe. He was also one of the key figures in the Old Testament. The Youngest David was the youngest of eight…
Redemption and salvation appear to be similar, but that is far from the truth. There could be no salvation until the redemptive act took place at Calvary.
Why is laugher a medicine, as it affects us spiritually, emotionally and physically. The bible says, for a joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones, Proverbs 17:22. Natural Medicine It has been proven that laughter strengthens the immune system, boosts the mood, diminishes pain, and protects the body from…
Understanding the keys to forgiveness is vital to our health, mentally and spiritually. Discovering the keys to forgiveness is the only way to find true peace. God Commands We Forgive We all expect God to forgive us, yet it is human nature to carry a grudge against anyone who offends us. The bigger the offense,…
The light of God runs as a thread from Genesis to Revelation. God is light and in Him there is no darkness.1 John 1:5. His light can penetrate our lives.
To be poured out is shown in type in the Old Testament where every sacrifice was accompanied by an offering of wine. We too should be poured out.
Praise and worship are vital aspects of the Christian faith, but each serves a different purpose. Praise celebrates God’s actions towards man, while worship honours the essence of God.
The threshing floor is one of those hidden treasures that delight the earnest student of the Word of God. It has deep spiritual meaning even for today.
To fly on eagle wings is the difference between being a turkey or an eagle. One is firmly grounded on mother earth, while the other soars high on thermal winds.
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