To fly on eagle wings is the difference between being a turkey or an eagle. One is firmly grounded on mother earth, while the other soars high on thermal winds.
The Eagle
Eagles are much larger birds than turkeys with wingspans that can exceed 3 1/2 metres. Eagles are powerfully built with sharp talons and hooked beaks. They are among the sharpest-eyed creature in the animal kingdom, able to spot prey from huge distances.
Eagles are known for their predatory prowess, and their ability to soar effortlessly in the high air thermals.
The Turkey
The turkey is not only a smaller bird, but more subdued than an eagle in it colourings. However, the turkey is a loud noisy bird, while the eagle is a carnivorous bird. Turkeys are ground scavengers, searching for nuts, seed and small insects.
Unable to fly the turkey conceals its nest on the ground, while the eagle builds large nests, called eyries, high up in trees or on cliffs. The eagle usually mates for life, creating a strong bond.
The turkey is known for their unique appearance and behavour and very much a farmyard creature.
The eagle is a majestic bird, with the bald eagle is the national symbol for the nation of America. The eagle represents freedom, strength and vision.
Turkeys are associated with abundance and celebration and representing family values. Turkeys are in high demand and an expensive item for the American thanksgiving meal and Christmas lunch.
The Spiritual Turkey
A born again Christian can choose to live like a turkey, or can mount up with wings like eagles, Isaiah 40:31. To be a ‘turkey’ Christian is one who prefers to focus on the things of this world, afraid to soar in the heights.
Turkeys are social birds that often travel in flocks, showing a strong sense of community and social structure. They appear to communicate with each other through various vocalizations and behaviours. A group of turkeys are known as a rafter or a flock, while a seldom seen large group of eagles is called a convocation. A convocation being a formal assembly. Eagles tend to remain solitary, apart from their bonded partner during nesting season.
To be a turkey kind of Christian is to know you are saved through the Cross of Calvary, but to then go on living life with your heart desires and needs being centre stage. It’s good to know you have an eternal home in heaven when you die, but for the moment you are a citizen of earth. Christianity is seen as an escape from eternal hell.
The Spiritual Eagle
The eagle Christians are only satisfied when they are spiritually soaring on the heights, seeking the presence of God. They are first and foremost a citizen of heaven.
It is difficult to be a spiritual eagle when surrounded by a flock of turkeys, whose central theme of life is as carnal Christians. Only the few desire to mount up with wings like eagles and discover the heavenly realm. The Apostle Paul spoke a lot about carnal Christians, but the eagle will grow and mature into fulness of the stature of Jesus Christ, Ephesians 4:13.
How to Fly on Eagle Wings
Jesus gave us the promise that anyone who will keep My word, My Father will love him. And we will come to him and make Our abode with him, John 24:6. It is not enough to surround yourself with people who inspire you, challenge you and push you to be your best self. You need to desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit, for He alone will empower you to mount up with wings like eagles and soar the heavenly realm.
How do you think the Son of God survived in a sin-ridden world after leaving His home in glory? He maintained His fellowship with the Father and the Holy Spirit day in and day out, disappearing for long periods of time to be alone with them. He is our eagle wings.
Benefits of Being an Eagle
There are a few Christians who know what it is to soar on the thermal winds of the Spirit of God and to be in the intense presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Yes, they make their abode in the believer, but the fulness of their presence manifests itself only when the believer has an earnest desire to know their presence.
This means spending time knowing the Word of God, and letting your spiritual roots grow deep into the soil of the Spirit. Only the tree that is deeply rooted in the soil, will remain standing when the cold winds of adversity blow.
Jesus said, if anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me, Luke 9:23. Faith that is untested is valueless, therefore it needs to be tempered through fiery trials. Without faith it is impossible to please God, Hebrews 11:6.
How to Fly
It means putting self-ego aside and desiring the Kingdom of God in all its fulness. Laying down self-ambition, position, ministry, and giving family members into God’s care. After all, He loves them far more than any love you can bestow on them.
Only then can the believer know the unspeakable sweetness of fellowshipping the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It means letting the Holy Spirit take over who you are, what you do and where you go, for as you think in your heart so you are, Proverbs 23:7. If you only desire to be a turkey, that is what you will be. If you earnestly desire to be an eagle you will know fellowship so sweet, nothing else will satisfy.
How to Reach Your True Potential
Eddison tried a thousand times before he finally came up with the light bulb. Learning to mount up on eagle wings is no different to learning to walk in the natural. It takes one small step at a time to achieve your goal. It’s not natural to rise above where you are, but the delight of finally finding yourself soaring in the heights of the Spirit of God is worth all the effort.
Set yourself one small goal at a time. Study the Word of God. Ask the computer questions and search out the answers, always staying true to what the Bible has to say in more than one place. Search for a church that is a worshipping church, though these are hard to find, as many churches practice commercial or religious Christianity. The key is, don’t give up.
Persist and You Will Fly
Above all, keep seeking and you will find, ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you, Matthew 7:7. It’s all about your true heart’s desire.
Learn to fly in the Spirit and enjoy what it will teach you. God knows what you need before you ask Him, Matthew 6:8. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you, Matthew 6:33. God has given you the ability to fly. Why stay rooted to the ground?
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