What is the Pearl of Great Price?5 min read

Pear of Great value

What is the Pearl of Great Price?5 min read

The Pearl of Great Price, is a parable Jesus told about the Kingdom of Heaven. What that pearl represents has caused much discussion. Does it represent the kingdom of heaven which Christians seek for, or is it the Church, the Bride of Christ?

The Pearl

First, let’s discover what is a pearl, for the pearl is the only organic gem created in a living organism.

An alien product enters the oyster creating an injury. As the oyster can’t eject the irritant the oyster protects itself by covering it with thin layers of a calcareous substance and the oyster must be at least three-years-old before it can begin forming a pearl. The process can take from 6 months to several years, as a lustrous, iridescent pearl forms layer upon layer, slowly and in secret, in the depths of the ocean.

Only one in around 10,000 wild oysters yield a pearl. Of these, only a small percentage of pearls achieve a desirable size, shape and colour that makes the pearl outstanding. That is why a good pearl is greatly coveted.

The Parable

A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. If you read the parable of the pearl of great price in context, you see there is a sower who sows, a man who finds treasure in a field and a merchantman, Matthew 13. All three represent the reason the Son of God left His home in heaven, Philippians 3:6-11, to come to a Satan-energized world.

Rags to Riches

These parables are earthly pictures of the Son of God who seeks those who will believe in Him, Romans 3:11. The seed is salvation, the hidden treasure and pearl of great price are His bride, His body, Ephesians 4:26; 5:22,23. Something He left His home in glory for, submitted Himself to mere mortals and give His life for. The Lamb that was slain, Revelation 5:8, fulfilling the plan God had before the foundation of the world.

The irritant in the pearl does nothing of its own, but out of great suffering an object of blemish-free beauty is created. Sin and death entered the human race through one man, Romans 5:12. Sinful man is flawed, without hope and has nothing to commend himself with. He needed a Saviour.

The sinner has nothing to bring to Christ, except to yield up selfish desires. He can only offer ‘filthy rags’, Isaiah 64:6. Salvation is without money and without price, Isaiah 53:1, for it is a free gift from God, Ephesians 2:8,9.

Hid in Christ, we become a thing of great beauty, Colossians 3:3. Through Christ’s sacrifice we are cleansed and can mature into His image, Philippians 3:13, being a pearl of great value.

What makes a Pearl of Great Price?

Large pearls are rare and therefore valuable. It means the oyster has worked on the irritant for some time. Time alone develops Christians’ character as they face and overcome the trials of life, as the Holy Spirit does the work of sanctification. It’s not works, but the depth of their faith in a loving Heavenly Father that counts, for without faith it is impossible to please God, Hebrews 11:6.

High-quality pearls with exceptional lustre, colour and surface quality, command significant prices. A Christian who exhibits the qualities of Christ in their life is a valuable light in a world of darkness, Matthew 5:14. A pearl that will shine into all eternity. A pearl so valuable Christ was prepared to give up His place in glory to obtain it.


The amount you are prepared to pay gauges the value of something. The merchantman was prepared to pay whatever it took possess the pearl.

We can’t comprehend the terrible price Christ paid for His pearl of great price. The mortal mind cannot fully grasp that which is spiritual. The Creator became flesh and dwelt among sinful man, John 1:14, in order to pay the redemption price. A price that no other could pay, 1 Peter 1:19. Only Christ had sufficient ‘currency’, His sinless blood.

Hidden Treasure

The merchantman knows the true value of the treasure that is produced in the hidden depths. Unseen the true church is being formed through the fiery trials of life, as individual ‘pieces’ submit to the working of the Holy Spirit.

The true Church has always been hidden from the eyes of the world. Millions are compliant to religion, but that is not the personal relationship with the Father that Christ paid the price for. Many call themselves Christians, yet their hearts are not submitted to the will of God. Only God knows the real state of a person’s heart and it is not for us to judge, Matthew 7:2. Christ’s one desire is that we have a truly personal relationship with the Father, the Great I Am.

Pearl of Great Price Birthed From Great Suffering

It is the suffering of the oyster that produces the pearl of great price. From the suffering and sinless, shed blood of the Saviour of the world, the Church, the pearl of great price was birthed. Through one Man’s death, redemption was made available to whosoever will accept the free gift of God, John 3:16.

For all eternity the redeemed of the Lord will reflect the glory of God, Romans 8:18. The pearl of great price will take her place with the One who purchased her for His pleasure, Ephesians 5:27, Revelation 4:11. We have all been given the gift of a free will and it is up to each of us to choose to accept God’s gift or reject it. The choice to be part of the Pearl of Great Price is always ours.

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Wendy Stenberg-Tendys is a freelance writer who enjoys researching a topic and sharing words of encouragement, particularly from the Word of God.

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One response to “What is the Pearl of Great Price?5 min read

  1. […] merchant who is prepared to willingly forsake His heavenly home, to seek and pay the price for the Pearl of Great Price, Philippians […]

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